I first want to thank those who have connected to my site and are reading this. You are now reading the initial blog post of Envise Partners, LLC. This represents the first of an ongoing set of blog posts which will be published over the coming months.
Envise Partners was formed to help industrial laundry companies increase the value of their business. Whether you want to remain in business for the next 100 years, sell sometime down the road or prepare for an exit now, all owners need to think about and take actions to improve the value of their business.
Back in 2018, as I was wrapping up one of my first consulting projects, I asked the customer if they would take a look at my website and give me feedback. After confirming most of the content was “pretty good” the customer gave me some sound advice. They said “you know, people love free stuff”. While I don’t plan on passing out Envise Partners coffee mugs anytime soon, I did take the hint that I should consider creating a knowledge sharing blog that you may find valuable. Hopefully, these blog posts qualify as “free stuff” to you.
The blogs will touch on subjects, some as old as the industry itself, while looking to provide a new and fresh perspective. I have spent a good chunk of my career outside the industry, 12 years as an executive at a large industrial competitor, and most recently a few years as a consultant working with small and mid-size laundry competitors. All these experiences help to shaped how I think about the industry.
Blog posts will look to meet a few objectives:
- Keep it simple and focused. I know that you are all busy and don’t have a lot of time to read a lengthy document. Therefore, each topic will be fairly focused. If necessary, multiple posts will be used to break various topics into discrete pieces to explore in more depth.
- Be relevant. While each topic may not tie closely to your specific situation, my expectation is that many will. If they do, hopefully it causes you to think more deeply about how it relates to your company and decisions you make moving forward.
- Provide content on a regular basis. I haven’t determined the best timing for each post but do believe that consistent, regular distribution is important. I want my readers to know and even expect when the next article will be available. More to come on this.
Topics will include discussions on value, competitive positioning, and exploring aspects of the industrial market among other things.
We welcome your feedback on recent blog posts or on topics you’d like covered and encourage you to contact us to learn more about how we can help.
Envise Partners is an advisory firm which helps industrial laundry companies increase the value of their business. To learn more visit EnvisePartners.com.
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